Funded by Global Affairs Canada, the three-year UNFPA-led project, will be implemented in the state of Zulia (Venezuela), in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Midwives and the participation of the National Council of Indigenous Midwives. The project focusses on improving maternal, newborn, and reproductive health outcomes for marginalized women, girls, and newborns of selected communities. It aims to provide quality respectful essential health services to Wayuu and Yukpa indigenous communities of Sierra Machiques de Perijá and Maracaibo, along with other vulnerable populations like in the periphery of Maracaibo, the capital of the state.
Project Objectives
• Improve quality, culturally appropriate, and gender-responsive maternal, newborn, and reproductive health services at targeted healthcare facilities.
• Strengthen engagement of community leaders to support maternal, newborn and reproductive health needs of women, girls and their families, in target communities
• Increased collaboration within and between targeted health centers and community-based health networks & indigenous midwives
• Sensitization of key decision-makers to advance access to SRHR midwifery services in Venezuela
• Enhanced women and girls’ awareness regarding their health rights and needs.
Total Project Budget
4 million CAD
News about the Zulia Project