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Registered Midwife – full time and part time available

Website IWK Health Centre

As Community Midwives at the IWK Health Centre, we are respected members of the maternity care team. We enjoy an exceptional relationship with our healthcare colleagues, as integrated members of the care teams in the hospital and operating from our accessible, bright clinic in Dartmouth.


As employees of the IWK, we can offer a hospital birth at the health centre or a home birth for midwifery clients. We see a case load of 3-4 clients per month, in their homes, our clinic or at the IWK’s hospital site. We provide individualized primary maternity care with women and their families from conception, through pregnancy, labour, birth and the six week postpartum period. We also facilitate continuity of access to care beyond the childbearing year, when necessary, through communication with other care providers or services.


Our team of six shares clients and call coverage and works collaboratively with the entire Women’s and Newborn Program. We strive to offer a continuum of midwifery care that is inclusive, culturally competent and celebrates the richness of the increasing diverse communities served. Particular emphasis is placed on priority populations who historically have been underserved and marginalized. 

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