Access to vaccination information and services is a human right, and increasing safe and equitable access to vaccines and vaccine information is important for community health and well-being.
- Promoting Wellness Midwives advocate for normal, physiological pregnancy, birth, and the newborn period. Discussing interventions, including vaccination, is a component of this approach.
- Informed Choice Midwives are committed to respectfully delivering comprehensive, evidence-based immunization information and acknowledge client autonomy in decision making.
- Active Engagement Midwives welcome questions and discussion, promote active client participation in health care decision-making, strive to hear diverse perspectives, respond to a diversity of needs, and support open social discourse around vaccination.
Introduction to Vaccines Booklet
Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Emerging Tools for Clinicians
Vaccine hesitancy is defined as an attitude resulting in delay or refusal of vaccines. While this phenomenon is complex, research shows a recommendation from a trusted health care provider helps address it. Although midwifery scope varies, midwives are responsible for providing immunization counselling and education, as well as recommending appropriate resources. This presentation will provide an overview of vaccine hesitancy and vaccine acceptance, what we’ve learned about midwives’ opinions on the topic and share emerging tools for clinicians. The aim is to provide an understanding of the complex topic of vaccine hesitancy and ways to address it. Recorded March 12, 2024
(available for CAM Members only. Please login to access this video)
Motivational interviewing: a promising approach to reducing vaccine hesitancy
Motivational interviewing is an approach that has been used for many years in many areas of healthcare. It has been adapted to discuss childhood immunization with parents. As part of the EMMIE program, this evidence-based, caring approach is now being implemented in maternity wards in Quebec, with a notable impact on reducing vaccine hesitancy among parents. This webinar will present the basic principles of motivational interviewing (MI). It will also include a testimonial from a Quebec midwife who overcame her vaccine hesitancy through motivational interviewing. Recorded March 2024
Slide deck: Andrea Houle – Hésitation vaccinale
Updates in Pediatric RSV Prevention for Midwifery Practice with Dr. Jasleen Kaur Grewal
The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants with significant morbidity and a risk of hospitalization. Novel RSV prevention strategies have emerged. This webinar will provide midwives with information regarding the changing landscape of pediatric RSV prevention in the Canadian context. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of RSV, its impact on public health, and an understanding of new developments in RSV prevention including vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. The aim of the webinar is to enhance midwives’ knowledge and confidence to provide counselling to clients. Recorded: February 9, 2024