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Group photo of NACM members at 2018 Gathering in Kitigan Zibi

NACM Gathering is all about Education

In October, over 30 NACM members gathered at Kitigan Zibi to connect, share about their work and communities, learn, and plan for the future of Indigenous midwifery in Canada.

The Pinard, Winter 2018

INSIDE: Read about the CAM Conference, the Global Health Symposium and the NACM Gathering; learn about respectful maternity care training in South Sudan.

Cannabis Use During Pregnancy

CAM is committed to health promotion and harm reduction pertaining to the legalization and regulated use of recreational cannabis products.

Midwife examining a newborn that is being held by mother

CAM Reacts to HRTO Ruling

Ontario ruling on pay equity will have ramifications across the country.

Members' Survey 2018

Members’ Survey 2018

23% of CAM members participated and results reflect CAM’s Membership.

New Committees & Working Groups

Member involvement in these initiatives is key to advancing CAM’s strategic objectives.

Midwifery in Newfoundland

Newfoundland is launching its first midwifery program in Gander.

Carol Couchie gives workshop on reproductive health to teenagers in Natuashish, NL.

Bringing Birth Home Project Finishes

NACM’s Co-chairs are satisfied that the project took meaningful steps towards restoring birth to Indigenous communities.

CAM Statement on Changes to the Ontario Health Curriculum

CAM supports the Association of Ontario Midwives and shares their position that the health curriculum in Ontario should include information about LGBTQ communities and teach students about safety, their bodies and consent.

Fetal Health Surveillance Instructor Update 2018

The Canadian Fetal Health Surveillance Steering Committee (C FHS SC) has made changes to Fetal Health Surveillance education in Canada that will impact many learners in the coming months.