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Videos from the CAM Conference 2019

Watch inspiring speakers May Friedman, Ingrid Waldron, Fatimah Jackson-Best, and Cynthis Bruce at the 2019 CAM Conference.

CAM Responds to Closure of Clinic 554 in Fredericton, NB

The services provided by Clinic 554 in New Brunswick’s capital have been in jeopardy for several years due to the on-going refusal by the provincial government to pay for or reimburse patients for abortion services performed outside of hospitals – despite this being in violation of the Canada Health Act. We are deeply concerned and upset for families in the Atlantic region

CAM Responds to Midwifery Today’s Choice of Conference Venue with Openly Homophobic Policy

“We believe that all midwives and midwifery practices can and should provide an environment where every individual is welcomed and treated with dignity and respect. It is critical for midwives to honour and respect all people’s right to self-determination as well as their right to receive health care that is free from discrimination, transphobia, homophobia and prejudice. Women and women’s health care will not benefit by refusing to recognize or include the rights of others.”

CAM Cannabis Survey

CAM invites midwives and clients to take part in a research study about cannabis use during pregnancy and during breast/chestfeeding.

Inter-Pares Honours NACM

Inter-Pares honours the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives for their continuing social justice work!

NACM Statement in Response to Child Apprehensions

NACM Co-Chairs Carol Couchie, Nishnawbe kwe, and Claire Dion Fletcher, Potawatomi-Lenape collaborated with Nathalie Pambrun, Métis, CAM President to issue a joint statement between NACM and CAM in response to the January 11 articles and viral video featuring a newborn seized from their mother by Manitoba officials.

Group photo of NACM members at 2018 Gathering in Kitigan Zibi

NACM Gathering is all about Education

In October, over 30 NACM members gathered at Kitigan Zibi to connect, share about their work and communities, learn, and plan for the future of Indigenous midwifery in Canada.

The Pinard, Winter 2018

INSIDE: Read about the CAM Conference, the Global Health Symposium and the NACM Gathering; learn about respectful maternity care training in South Sudan.